Community Involvement & Sponsorship

Our business activities build communities through well designed facilities such as housing, schools, healthcare facilities and improved infrastructure. 

The efforts we make to engage with the communities around our developments allow us to obtain the local views so we can ensure that our activities meet community needs.

Our aim is to work closely with our clients and never underestimate the importance of consulting with all stakeholders within the wider community to engage directly with the people who are, or will be, at the heart of our schemes and developments.  We believe this approach enhances the successful outcome of any project.

We achieve this by undertaking a pro-active approach when communicating with residents and stakeholders during our construction activities to ensure timely and appropriate information is provided to those affected.  Where possible we employ local SME's, recruit local people and work with local business.

We consistently score highly in the independently monitored Considerate Constructors Scheme which was founded in 1997 by the construction industry to improve the image of construction and reduce the impact of its activities within the community.

We have a proud history of community sponsorship, having links with local rugby and cricket clubs as well as involvement in a range of community based sponsored events.