Value Engineering

We believe that value engineering should be considered on all projects and that we can have a key role in the process.  Value engineering is not simply a cost cutting exercise.  Whilst it should be adopted to eliminate any unnecessary costs which can occur during the design and construction process, it must also look at ways of delivering best value to maximise our clients' return on investment.

We adopt a structured approach to value engineering using proven methods, whilst constantly seeking new and innovative ways of working to ensure we successfully deliver our schemes.  Whilst we can review the project independently, the greatest gains from value engineering are achieved when the review is undertaken in a collaborative approach with the project team.

We would seek to hold value engineering workshops with the key decision makers from the client, design team and principle suppliers and sub-contractors with our design, cost and construction Managers acting as facilitators. We like to review all elements of a project, not just those which may be over budget.

The overriding consideration is to "add value" to the whole process of design, management and construction.  Life cycle costs and return on investment may be even more appropriate considerations for adding value rather than simply driving down cost.