Modern Slavery
Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy Statement
To comply with Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, this statement has been produced for the financial year 2022-2023. Acheson Construction Limited understand the requirement to publish an annual modern slavery and human trafficking policy statement no later than September each year.
Acheson Construction Limited are an equal opportunities employer. We are a Building Contractor covering all aspects of Construction, and work in all major sectors both public and private, operating solely in the South and South West of England. We are committed to tackling and preventing modern slavery and human trafficking at all levels. The Board of Directors have a zero-tolerance approach to activities of this nature and ensure the relevant steps are taken so that these offences do not occur within the business. They understand the associated risks, and are responsible for implementing and enforcing this policy.
Acheson confirm that there are no modern slavery or human trafficking activities taking place in our own business or our supply chain. We are committed to ensuring this remains the case long into the future and have effective systems, controls and procedures in place.
Acheson Construction Limited have made a commitment to our staff and supply chain to act in an ethical manner. We provide our staff with training on a range of compliance matters, which includes their obligations under the Modern Slavery Act.
It is our policy to:
• ensure all staff comply with this policy and all relevant legislation (including the Modern Slavery Act 2015) through management meetings, site visits and regular audits.
• provide robust training to ensure all staff and supply chain members understand the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking activity;
• ensure that all employees are made aware of and meet their individual obligations in respect of preventing these activities;
• actively encourage the reporting of concerns and deal with any such reports in the strictest confidence;
• ensure that all permanent and temporary workers have a written contract of employment;
• pay all staff at least the rate of minimum wage;
• ensure all staff know their statutory rights including sick pay, holiday pay and any other benefits they may be entitled to;
• build and maintain strong and long-standing relationships with all members of our supply chain;
• we operate a robust recruitment policy, including conducting thorough checks for eligibility to work in the UK to safeguard against and prevent human trafficking and individuals being forced to work against their will;
• gather and review pricing statistics to assess agency fees
The policies listed below include details of our approach to identifying modern slavery and human trafficking risks as well as the steps we take to prevent any such activities taking place in our own business or supply chain. All policies are made available to our staff and supply chain upon appointment.
• Equality & Diversity
• Corporate and social responsibility
• Whistleblowing
• Disciplinary, Bullying and Harassment
• People Development & Training
• Health & Safety
• Recruitment
Supply chain
Vast experience gained over our 48-year history demonstrates a collaborative culture between our employees and suppliers. Acheson Construction Limited continually review all members of our supply chain focussing on;
• The nature of their services provided
• The geographical area in which they operate
Acheson Construction Limited is committed to maintaining and improving our systems and procedures and follow a strict process to prevent human rights violations of any kind.
We expect the same high standards from all of our business partners and require them to have suitable and acceptable modern slavery and human trafficking policies in place.
Acheson operate a strict vetting process for all external contractors to ensure they hold the relevant accreditations, insurances, and appropriate qualifications in order to undertake the duties asked of them.
As part of our contract together, all suppliers are required to confirm that:
1. They have taken necessary steps to ensure that modern slavery and human trafficking do not exist within their business activities and that of their suppliers;
2. Their suppliers are held to account over any modern slavery and human trafficking; and
3. Their employees pay meets at least the national minimum wage according to current legislation
Given the nature of our supply chain and their services being offered in the UK, we consider the risk of offence to be low. However, should Acheson Construction Limited be made aware of any incidences of modern slavery or human trafficking with any employee or supplier, we will terminate their contract with immediate effect and reported to the relevant authorities.
This policy statement was approved by the Acheson Construction Ltd Board of Directors on 4th August 2023 and is reviewed annually.